Announcing Nerdtour 2012!

My month-long trip to Japan starts in October, and I’m starting to make plans and preparations for the big Nerdtour 2012!

I’ve added more info to the site, specifically pages about previous Nerdtours (under “Things I’ve Done“).  I gathered the specific blog pages that I made during those trips together, so they’re easier to find (and easier to make fun of!).  I’ve also added a link to my crowdfunding site on GoFundMe, where if you feel like kicking in a little something to help me pay for my food and stuff for the trip, you can make a donation and get a little reward as thanks!
(update: useless crowdfunding link removed!)

Or, if you’re planning on buying something from,  why not click on and use the search box over on the right, which if you buy something there I get a little money from Amazon.  I’m also selling things like t-shirts and mugs and other things on, the link is also over on the right.  Right now I don’t have many  things listed, but I’ll be adding more stuff as time goes on.

I’ll be posting updates here, and when the trip begins in October I’ll be blogging here, hopefully every day, with write-ups of the days’ activities (if any, there might be some slack days) and photos of the places I went to.  If you have an RSS reader, you can keep up with new postings on my RSS feed.

At any rate, this is the official kick-off of the beginning of the countdown to the start of Nerdtour 2012!  ^_^

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