From Randall Mullholland’s comic:
Best of all it’s free! And we all know you get what you pay for!
(I have Badge # sqrt(-1)!)
A place for things I found…
Best of all it’s free! And we all know you get what you pay for!
(I have Badge # sqrt(-1)!)
If you want to buy my copy, click on “My price”, but if you want to buy from Amazon’s main store, click on the picture or the title.
All of these CDs have only been played a few times, and the cases may be a little worn or scratched, but the CDs themselves are in great shape.
Check out what I’ve got, see if there’s anything you like, and thanks!
Words don’t do it justice, just watch and listen.
If you can see your way clear to click on it and donate, that would be terrific! Even $5 would help! They only have one week to raise the rest of the money, so if you could pass it along, please do so.
Update: They made their goal! Their project is now a go, and I look forward to seeing the documentary they produce!