Nerdtour 2012: To see Mt. Fuji…

So, just as I have twice before, I went in search of Mount Fuji. And just as before, I managed to not see it, again!

So, going to Yokohama on a nice, clear Fall day, I expected to see something of Mount Fuji, since it’s closer to it than Tokyo proper. Not only that, I determined to fight my acrophobia by going to the observation deck of the Landmark Tower, on the 69th floor some 275 meters up! Surely this time, I would be able to see the mountain, if not in all its glory, at least see it at all!


What is so rare as a day in… um… October
Tokaido line, to Yokohama!
The Landmark Tower, formerly the tallest structure in Japan…
69th floor, gulp…
Wow, what a view! I’m bound to see Fuji this time!
Yep, it’s got to be out there, just as pretty as a picture…
See, this picture shows it’s right out the left side of the window…
Um, right out there, on the left-hand side…
Okay, further around the floor, it must be… in… those clouds…
Um, after looking at the pictures and guides and things some more, I figure that Mt. Fuji is right there, behind those clouds. The only clouds for miles around. Of course.
I mean I can even see Tokyo Sky Tree, and yet, no Fuji? Argh…
Daunted, down, I do the touristy thing and pose to see how tall I am now, in meters…

Well, I still have a few more days to try again. So, I’ll go to the Yokohama Chinatown area, and maybe get something to eat.
I’m beginning to think Mt. Fuji is just some joke the Japanese are playing on foreigners: “Why, yes, it’s the largest, most sacred mountain in all Japan! You mean you can’t see it? Everyone else can!” Grumble grumble…

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