An impossible mission…

I’m talking about how impossible it is to not like this collaboration between ‘The Piano Guys” and Lindsey Stirling, performing their own version of the “Mission Impossible” theme.

I’ve been a fan of both The Piano Guys and Lindsey Stirling, since I saw them on their respective YouTube channels last year. The Piano Guys are fantastic musicians who can combine many styles of music, both popular and classical, and give the fusion a theatrical flair using modern technology and humorous storytelling in their videos. Lindsey Stirling was apparently a contestant on one of those music judging shows, but she’s really come into her own by making her own videos on YouTube. She also has a flair for the theatric, and also brings a ballet-like grace to her musical talent, playing her violin while performing incredible physical dance routines at the same time. I don’t know how she can do it, but her skill is real and she’s beautiful to boot. You need to see their channels on YouTube, Lindsey’s channel is “lindseystomp” and The Piano Guys are, well, “ThePianoGuys“.

Enough verbiage, here’s their video!


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