Reaching Autumn: A “Calvin and Hobbes” fan movie…

This is an interesting short (13 minutes) movie, “Reaching Autumn: A Calvin and Hobbes Movie”, featuring live actors portraying the characters “Calvin” and “Susie Derkins” from the comic strip “Calvin and Hobbes” once they’ve grown up and entered society as young adults. Calvin is portrayed as a serious businessman who’s abandoned his imaginary world, while Susie is shown as a bohemian, free-spirited artist. They meet by accident and have lunch together, while comparing notes about their childhood memories and their current lives. It’s a tender movie, with flashbacks and many scenes in the autumn woods. Some of the acting is a bit stiff, the timing is not quite right, but the heart is definitely there, and if you have fond memories of the “Calvin and Hobbes” comic strip, then you won’t be disappointed in this take on it, especially the end.


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