Dance like you just don’t care…

couple dancing

At the DC Sakura Matsuri in 2011, I happened to catch this couple as they danced to the music of a band playing at one of the music bandstands in the plaza of the Reagan building. They had obviously been dancing together for quite a while, and they were having… Continue reading

“Hazy Shade of Winter”

One of my favorite songs by Simon and Garfunkel, later performed in the 80’s by The Bangles for one of those “Brat Pack” movies, which I never saw (being too old to appreciate the subject matter).

New things for sale! (well, only one new thing for now)


Well, I’ve started back into making more things to sell here, trying to raise some money while making the world just a bit better-looking! Or at least, by making things people might like to have around, anyway!

Nerdtour 2012: It’s just a matter of perspective…

Once again, I’m going to try to limit my photos per post so that I might make more posts (and stave off scrolling boredom). It’s not gone well so far, I keep finding more pictures that I want to post all at once!

Flashmob, classical style!

The Banco Sabadell arranged this performance of Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” as a flashmob event to celebrate the anniversary of their founding.  I really like how the music just builds and builds, and how the little girl who first puts money in the cellist’s hat stays there almost the whole… Continue reading

“Scary Beautiful”? I don’t think so…

When you randomly wander the Internet like I do, you occasionally stumble across things that not only make you go “hmmm”, you risk finding things that make you go “Lord, what are these people thinking?” One example: this video by Lyall Coburn called “Scary Beautiful”…

Maintaining my geek cred…

River Tam

As if it wasn’t clear enough by now, I am a geek, and as such I have to have things that demonstrate that geekiness to the world, for example, “figurines” of science fiction and anime characters. In this case, “River Tam” from the TV show “Firefly“, part of the “Big… Continue reading