“The Sound of Cylons” – fantastic!

In an earlier post I mentioned that there are things I love to find on the Internet, and this is by far one of them, even better than “Klingon Style”!
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Maintaining my geek cred…

As if it wasn’t clear enough by now, I am a geek, and as such I have to have things that demonstrate that geekiness to the world, for example, “figurines” of science fiction and anime characters. In this case, “River Tam” from the TV show “Firefly“, part of the “Big Damn Heroes” series by Quantum Mechanix, purveyors of quality geek paraphernalia…

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Nerdtour 2012: T-minus 26 days – Train, train..

Hoo boy, it’s now less than 4 weeks till I leave for Japan!  When it was a few months away, I was kind of relaxed about preparations, but now it’s getting real!  One big preparation question: buy a JR Rail Pass or not?

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Ben Folds Five and… Fraggles???

Ben Folds Five and FragglesOkay, this was something that showed up in one of my random walks through YouTube, happens to be on a channel called “Nerdist”, so you can understand why it got my attention! The band is “Ben Folds Five”, the song is “Do It Anyway”, and the Muppets are from “Fraggle Rock”…

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My paintings: “Black Velvet”

Well, sadly this is the end of the good paintings I did, I’ll probably post the not so good ones eventually.  This is from a “Black Velvet Whisky” ad from 1983, and although she’s very familiar, I just can’t remember her name.

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