Comfy-Con 2012 Dealer’s room!

2013 update!  Wait till you see this year’s Dealer’s Room! Go there, it’s much better than here!

What con-going experience would be complete without a trip to the convention’s Dealer’s Room (AKA “Merch Madness”!) Continue reading “Comfy-Con 2012 Dealer’s room!”

Fantastic a capella music…

This performance blew me away. I am a fan of a capella singing, but this group makes all the ones I’ve seen before look like barbershop quartets. There are no instruments of any kind in this performance, all the “strings”, “brass”, “keyboards” and “percussion” are created by the voices of the performers. No “autotune” was done, no synthesizer trickery, this is just a group of people creating harmony and beauty.

Words don’t do it justice, just watch and listen.

Here’s to the Brits! (at least one of them, anyway!)

Boy, this Nigel Farage guy is one gutsy politician. I love his style! Continue reading “Here’s to the Brits! (at least one of them, anyway!)”

Help some kids out, if you can…

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This is a Kickstarter effort to finish up a documentary on a group of kids who lived in Fukushima, Japan. The kids lived in a town called Yamakiya that had to be evacuated due to radiation from the nuclear plant, but they managed to stay together, performing in their taiko drum club, despite being separated. The kids got to come here to Washington DC to perform in the Cherry Blossom Festival this past Spring, and they were incredible! Their energy, their skill, their love of drumming caught everyone up in their performance. I managed to catch a bit of their last performance that day, and I’d love to see these kids get an even wider audience, for their music and for their story.

If you can see your way clear to click on it and donate, that would be terrific! Even $5 would help! They only have one week to raise the rest of the money, so if you could pass it along, please do so.

Update:  They made their goal!  Their project is now a go, and I look forward to seeing the documentary they produce!


The Glorious 4th Of July

From PJTV, “Afterburner” with Bill Whittle tells us why this Fourth is nowhere near as bad as other Fourths through history, so let’s enjoy this one. There will always be more bad news later, but for one day we can celebrate our freedom the best way possible, by living free! Continue reading “The Glorious 4th Of July”

Flashback: Nerdtour 2007: Japan – The Tour Begins!

Continuing my 5-years-later write-up about my first trip to Japan, Nerdtour 2007!  (sorry, pictures don’t start till after some verbiage.  I didn’t take any pics the first day of the trip!) Continue reading “Flashback: Nerdtour 2007: Japan – The Tour Begins!”