Some new, kind of strange, kind of neat music

Okay, I really like roaming around the Internet following random links that come up in searches and on Youtube, and occasionally I find some really neat music, often wildly different from the kind of pop music we’re used to here in the US.

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New (old) pics posted soon!

I’m going to start posting more pictures etc. from my first trip to Japan, the famous NerdTour 2007, “real soon now.”  Here’s a teaser of what I’ll be posting, a taste of the taste of Japan, so to speak…

Continue reading “New (old) pics posted soon!”

What makes a programming language successful?

So, a burning question amongst computer geeks and nerds (besides which is better, “vi” or “emacs), is “Why is C still so hot, when (fill in the blank) is so much better?” Here’s one answer, from Wired magazine:

Continue reading “What makes a programming language successful?”

Two webcomic reviews in one! “Far Out There” and “Conventional Wisdom”

This is probably the only time I’m going to review two webcomics at once, but in this case it’s because they have the same creator, Simon Ladd, one of the few webcomics artists who produce more than one comic at the same time. Continue reading “Two webcomic reviews in one! “Far Out There” and “Conventional Wisdom””

Avengers: Disassemble!

I stumbled across this wicked little gem of an animation by a young animator named Junaid Chundrigar. He has a fantastic comic style, and he really skewers the biggest Marvel superheroes in this short.  Some of the things he shows the characters doing, you just know that’s exactly what would happen if they  weren’t in comic books! Continue reading “Avengers: Disassemble!”

“Super Best Friends Forever”: hilarious new show?

Good grief, where the heck have I been that I haven’t seen this? Oh, yeah, I keep forgetting to watch TV lately, so things like this “Super Best Friends Forever” thing goes on the air behind my back. It’s a conspiracy, I tells ya! Continue reading ““Super Best Friends Forever”: hilarious new show?”