Okay, these guys are just way too good…

I stumbled across these guys when I saw this really neat video on Youtube.  “The Piano Guys” are a couple of musicians that re-do popular music with piano and cello and other instruments.  They use them to re-interpret the music as well, as in the “Cello Wars” video, which also has fun with the cello artist playing both the “good” Jedi and the “evil” Sith on dueling cellos.  Look for the appearance of “Darth Vader”…

One of the other videos I saw had the two guys entertaining a group of older folks at a retirement community, playing the “Linus and Lucy” theme from the “Peanuts” TV specials.  The guys have a lot of fun getting into the music, and the residents get into it, too.  It’s sweet to see the smiles on their faces, and watch them get up and dance!  It’s even better when you see the congo line, including some of the staff!

They’re looking to raise money to release their first album, and for other projects, so if you’ve a mind to, check out their site. Or, look them up on Facebook.

AnimeUSA 2011 Last day pics

Pictures from the third and last day of AnimeUSA 2011. Kind of a shame, there has been an anime convention in Crystal City since at least 1997, and this will be the last one for the foreseeable future. I went to my first one, Katsucon 4 I think it was, in 1998, and had only missed a couple there after that. Ah, well, the price of growth, they just got too big to be handled in the Hyatt. I don’t think they’ll have as much problem next year, since it looked like this year’s attendance was down. Not as much disposable income lately…

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AnimeUSA Day 2, More pictures

Oh, look, it’s more pictures! These are from Day 2 of AnimeUSA 2011, taken Saturday the 19th. More pictures than Friday, but then again there were more things and people to take pictures of! Even pictures of people taking pictures!

If you see yourself in one of them, please leave a comment!

NOTE: click an icon for a picture, and click a picture for a larger version!

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It’s coming, the Geek Singularity! A review of the webcomic “Weregeek”

This webcomic, “Weregeek”, is one of my favorites, mainly because it deals with all kinds of nerdy, geeky, fanboy things, like RPGs, sci-fi, games, comics, etc.


This webcomic, “Weregeek”, is one of my favorites, mainly because it deals with all kinds of nerdy, geeky, fanboy things, like RPGs, sci-fi, games, comics, etc. Continue reading “It’s coming, the Geek Singularity! A review of the webcomic “Weregeek””

Presenting The Oomphalapompatronium!

Now, if this thing doesn’t make you want to go out to the garage and throw together some kind of music-making thingamajig, I don’t know what would!

Apparently this guy, Leonard Solomon, makes all kinds of musical instruments out of, well, stuff. He gives performances of his musical and geeky machinery, since at least 1985. Check out the other videos on his page!

Impressive Photoshop painting skills

This person has them, by a long shot. Goes from a sketch, to a drawing, to a painting, to near photorealism. Catchy Russian music, too…