Blast from the past! (Tetris theme on acoustic guitar)

Ewan Dobson (why have I never heard of him before???) does his version of Korobeinki, the original Tetris game theme.  If you’re of a certain age you probably have this music memorized! Continue reading “Blast from the past! (Tetris theme on acoustic guitar)”

Beautifully choreographed synchronized gymnastics

Absolutely beautiful, I don’t know where this competition was held, but hopefully this Japanese team made it into the finals at the very least.  More like watching a ballet than a gymnastics exhibition, the athletes coordinated almost flawlessly.


Boy’s love for Morning Glories lives on long after his passing…

This is a nice story about a boy’s love of Morning Glories, and his mother’s love for him, which she spreads to the tsunami survivors through seeds from the flowers he grew just before he died, and which he never lived to see bloom.

Morning glories at Kamaishi temporary housing
Morning glory blossom, grown from seeds originally tended by a boy who died of leukemia in Tainai, Niigata Prefecture, blossom at a temporary housing for disaster victims in Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture. (Shingo Kuzutani)

Incredible amateur movie, “Cardboard Warfare 2″…

This is an amazing short film, done by a handful of extremely talented guys.  It’s not quite a parody, the scenes are played straight like in all the WWII movies you’ve seen, but the weapons are all made of cardboard! Continue reading “Incredible amateur movie, “Cardboard Warfare 2″…”

Freshmen Congressmen who served honor the heroes of 9/11

A simple, stirring tribute from the newly elected Congressmen who served in our military.  Just reciting “The Star Spangled Banner”, no fancy graphics, no political B.S., just humble words.

“Let this be our motto, ‘In God is our trust.'”

Background music from a game called “Touhou”: “Bad Apple!!”

I’ve never heard of this game, but then I’m not a gamer, but this is really neat traditional-style Japanese music, played with authentic instruments on a traditional stage.