and the closing theme is “Half Pain”, both songs by “Bana”:
Very moody and evocative, much like the anime.
Here is an excellent review of the anime, or you can always hit Wikipedia.
A place for things I found…
These things are cool!
and the closing theme is “Half Pain”, both songs by “Bana”:
Very moody and evocative, much like the anime.
Here is an excellent review of the anime, or you can always hit Wikipedia.
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As if to make up for the disruption from the weather, there were a lot of very imaginative (and timely!) cosplayers this year, and I have pictures of many of them. Of course, since there was a tremendous amount of snow on the ground, there was a plethora of cosplayers playing characters from the movie “Frozen.” So many Elsas and Anas, and even other winter-themed characters like “Jack Frost” from “Rise of the Guardians”. The largest number of cosplayers this year though had to be the “Attack on Titan” characters. This year there had to be more “AoT” characters percentage-wise than any other anime in other years, even counting “Bleach” and “Gurren Lagann”! (Sorry, “Homestuck” kids, you were FAR outnumbered this con!)
At any rate, I will be posting pictures here and on my photo site, at much higher quality than the ones I already posted on my Facebook page.
As an example, here’s a cosplayer who was taking photos herself (Click for a larger version):
I’ll have to listen to more of their music, to get a feel for what else they’ve done, and I also want to find the lyrics, but at least this is a good song to get the heart racing and adrenalin pumping.
Addendum: According to an entry in “Songfacts”, the lead singer “struggled most of his life with depression and ADD and anxiety issues. He explained to AbsolutePunk that he penned this song ‘coming out of a pretty serious spell of depression and having a new awakening and a real vigor for life.’ He added: ‘That’s the general thing where that song came from. There’s more specifics to it, but that’s the basic, general idea.'”
From two years ago, when Felix Baumgartner jumped out of a perfectly good, pressurized capsule at 24 miles up, and free-fell to Earth to test a pressure suit and make history as part of the Red Bull promotion, “Red Bull Stratos.” This is a compilation of videos taken from the GoPro cameras attached at various places on his suit, and just released on YouTube. Personally, I have great admiration for him, and for his predecessor, Joe Kittinger, who made a similar jump back in the 1950’s. I also would never in all of my remaining life ever do what those men did, it isn’t even on my “bucket list”! My severe acrophobia wouldn’t let me even climb the ladder to get into the capsule, much less allow me to ride it up 24 miles!
This video compilation takes various views of Baumgartner’s jump, from his chest, legs, and from the outside of the capsule. GoPro cameras are amazing in how fantastically well they capture hi-definition video, and how rugged they are, and this video is definitely a beautiful, terrifying addition to their library. The addition of the ground-to-air conversation added to the excitement, especially when Baumbgartner went into a high-speed spin during part of the descent.
Well, enough talk, here is the video, please enjoy (and if you feel sick while watching, don’t worry, I think a lot of people will, too!)
Now, though, the holiday travel is over, I’ve accepted an offer to work (at last!), I’ve recovered from the annoying cold, and I have some free time until the new job starts, so I’ll be getting back into the swing of blogging things!
First up, I stumbled across this video from 2012 of a flash mob in Russia performing “Putting on the Ritz”! It’s really nice to see at least some Russians having a great time, it’s a refreshing change from the old Cold War Soviet days when all the pictures you would see from the USSR would be dour, grayish, bland things, with the occasional “official State Culture” entertainments. One of the commenters on the YouTube video was pretty funny, saying that it sounded like the singers were singing “Putin oguretz”, which is “Putin is a cucumber.” In the old days that person would have been “disappeared” but now he just joins in the sea of snark that is the YouTube comment section!
At any rate, here is the flash mob, enjoy!
Turns out that it’s well-known for its surf, and there were a whole lot of surfers taking advantage of the mild November afternoon and evening.
There were also a lot of people just out enjoying the beach, taking in the sun. There’s something about a beach, with the waves crashing on the shore that’s just peaceful and relaxing, makes it easy to get into a contemplative mood, or even to just “veg-out”.
My buddy John also found, um, “other” views as well…  “So, not so disappointed at stopping here now, are you John?”
Shichirigahama reminded me very much of southern California, especially around the Sunset Beach area I visited a long time ago.  Sunset Beach was aptly named, and Shichirigahama’s sunset was equally stunning, I kept taking pictures and videos every few minutes, just to try to capture the view. I even got to get a picture of Mount Fuji, but just like in 2007, all I could get was a silhouette shot…
Here’s one of the videos I took, of the Sun just disappearing behind the mountains beyond Enoshima Island. Â You can see more of the pictures at my portfolio site.
In some ways, with the old wooden beams and the narrow gage tracks, some stations on the Enoden are reminiscent of some old West train stations, of course without the coal and water feeds that Western trains needed. Some of the train cars are modeled on the earlier cars of the line, as well, although with modern instrumentation and controls.
When the next train came, it was time for a quick ride. This is a short clip for the first leg from Hase, going to Gokurakuji station, one stop towards Enoshima, to give you a feel for what the ride was like. We didn’t actually get all the way to Enoshima, one of the stops before then looked interesting, a town called Shichirigahama, which turned out to be a very nice town indeed.
Oh, and notice the care that the conductor uses, there are specific gestures to each instrument, which work as mnemonics that the conductor uses to make sure that each item in his checklist is complete. The combination of hand and eye motion and examination of the control settings at the same time gives the conductor stronger reinforcement than simply moving his eyes to check the controls. My Japanese teacher used a similar approach to teach us how to write kanji characters, one of the steps was writing the character in the air while speaking the stroke numbers aloud. “Muscle memory” helps the “main memory”.
As always, there are more photos on my portfolio site.