DC Kite Festival

This past Saturday, as part of the DC Cherry Blossom Festival, they held a kite-flying festival on the grounds of the Washington Monument and on the National Mall. The day was perfect for kite flying, plenty of breezes in the morning, cool but not cold, with just enough puffy clouds in a crystal blue sky to make the kites stand out. I got some great photos of the kites and the flyers (there was as much color on the ground from people’s coats as there was in the sky) of all ages. I also managed to find a couple of early cherry blossoms, on three trees that just couldn’t wait to bloom. Most of the cherry trees along the Tidal Basin have yet to bloom, but they’re in the late stages of budding, so the coming weeks should have an explosion of petals!

Here are some of the photos, I’ll have them all on a photo page soon. Enjoy!


Two girls in their Springtime finest!
Two girls in their Springtime finest!


Sign: "Wings Over Washington Kite Club"
Wings Over Washington!


handfull of cherry blossoms on a few branches
桜を見た! A few lonely little cherry blossoms peeking out of their buds early, getting the jump on their cousins (and getting a couple of early photographers, too!)
Cherry blossoms and branches against cloudless blue sky
THERE you are! Another tree with a few handfuls of cherry blossoms

Kenji Kawai concert: Ghost In The Shell Soundtrack

I don’t know how long this will stay up before the Copyright Commandos remove it, so watch while you can.
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Music discovery: Mongol pop music!

So, pop music from Mongolia, that you can buy on iTunes, how 21st Century is that! (update, bonus video!)(another update, fixed video sizes)
Continue reading “Music discovery: Mongol pop music!”

Katsucon 2013 SuperUltraMega-Cosplay-Photo-Extravapaloozathonorama!

(Okay, it’s not THAT big, but there are a lot of pictures!)
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All Katsucon 2013 photos in one place coming soon!

I hate to do this, but I will have to take a couple of days of not posting to get all the cosplay photos cleaned up and posted to my Photography page. I really appreciate everyone who’s stopped by and seen what I’ve posted so far, and hope that those of you who’ve seen yourself here have liked my crude attempts! I promise some of them will be much improved, once I clean up the exposures and white balance settings (my camera is good, but I’m still learning, so I still have to have some Photoshop help! T.T)

To tide you over till Saturday or Sunday, here are a couple more from Day 1.


Katsucon 2013: Day 3

Whoo boy, was day 3 of Katsucon ever a wild day! Started off with a whole 3 hours sleep, because there was an 8 AM panel that I definitely wanted to see, followed by picking up my Art Auction winnings, and finishing the day with cosplay photos, photos, and more photos!
Continue reading “Katsucon 2013: Day 3”