Category: dumb things!
these things are dumb!
The President is going to the dogs!

The right wing of the blogosphere is going wild with the whole “Obama ate dog meat” thing, especially after making all the fuss about the Romney’s taking their dog on the roof of their car. This site by Frank J. Fleming already skewered politics with fantastically funny satire, but he’s in hog (dog?) heaven with this latest. Here’s his newest list of Obama-dog-eating one-liners:
My favorite:  “Dog bites man – not news. Man bites dog – news. President bites dog – BEST NIGHT OF TWITTER EVER!!!”
And now for 30 seconds of abject silliness
And yes, I laughed…
So, um, is that “Not Available” or “Not Applicable”?
Either the forecast was “Not Available” or it was “Not Applicable.” Â Scary either way…
Doesn’t sound very good, either way…
Gee, I don’t know why the Post Office is in trouble…
“Alien cathouse for sci-fi nerds.” Oh, brother…
So, a “brothel owner” (euphemism) in Nevada is going to open a science fiction-themed “alien cathouse” to prey on the nerd market. I guess this means that there are enough nerds out there with enough money to justify the effort, and that being a (desperate) science-fiction fan is at least as socially acceptable to the “market” as businessmen are. Personally, I’ve never really thought about re-creating Captain Kirk’s exploits with a bored hooker in green make-up and deelyboppers, but I have no doubt that this will be a very popular “attraction” to a certain segment of the nerd population.
Now, if this guy is half the businessman I suspect, I wouldn’t be surprised if he decides to sponsor a science fiction convention in Las Vegas or somewhere convenient…
Happy Nyan Year!
Hope your New Year is a great one, and to start off on a happy note:
Oh, oh, oh! Otamatone!

Oh, Japan, please don’t ever change! Without you, we’d all be less confused, less puzzled, and far less freaked out, so just keep doing what you’re doing!