Help some kids out, if you can…

[singlepic id=345 w=259 h=173] This is a Kickstarter effort to finish up a documentary on a group of kids who lived in Fukushima, Japan. The kids lived in a town called Yamakiya that had to be evacuated due to radiation from the nuclear plant, but they managed to stay together,… Continue reading

Flashback: Nerdtour 2007: Japan – The Tour Begins!

Continuing my 5-years-later write-up about my first trip to Japan, Nerdtour 2007!  (sorry, pictures don’t start till after some verbiage.  I didn’t take any pics the first day of the trip!)

New (old) pics posted soon!

I’m going to start posting more pictures etc. from my first trip to Japan, the famous NerdTour 2007, “real soon now.”  Here’s a teaser of what I’ll be posting, a taste of the taste of Japan, so to speak…

Shameless merchandise promotion!


So, I updated one of my online stores, the one on, with new cherry blossom-themed things, and made the anime-themed items easier to find.  Check out the new menu up top, “Things I’m selling”!  You might find something you’d like.  If not, let me know, and I’ll see if… Continue reading

Two webcomic reviews in one! “Far Out There” and “Conventional Wisdom”

This is probably the only time I’m going to review two webcomics at once, but in this case it’s because they have the same creator, Simon Ladd, one of the few webcomics artists who produce more than one comic at the same time.

Pictures from the Washington Cherry Blossom Street Festival

Here are some pictures to give a feel for the kinds of things that went on at the annual Washington DC Cherry Blossom Street Festival (a “sakura matsuri”, “桜祭り” in Japanese).