Classical music never sounded better than the Piano Guys’ take on it, melding 18th Century instruments and 1970’s funk, as they create a “quartet” playing “I Want You Bach”.
A place for things I found…
these things sound nice!
This performance was recorded in May 2012, just a few months before bassist Lee Dorman passed away. Â He was found in December of 2012 in his car, he died of natural causes likely on his way to a doctor’s appointment. Â He was 70 years old. Â I personally love the fact that even after all the years between the original recording and this performance, the men could still bring their best to this piece, to an appreciative audience.
Enjoy these men in their final performance together, as the effortlessly lay down “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” one last time.
Strolling through the Youtube archives is one of my favorite pastimes, since you never know what you’ll come across. I knew James Cagney could dance, even though he also played gangsters and other tough guys in the old movies, but I never knew that Bob Hope could hold his own in tap-dancing. If I had ever seen the movie “The Seven Little Foys” I would have learned better. This is a great scene with Hope playing Eddie Foy and Cagney playing George M. Cohan, doing a tap-dance “face-off”, and it is a joy to behold. Today’s pop-and-lock dancers do similar competitions with each other, but these guys were hitting it 60 years ago! If you watch closely there’s a part where Hope almost does a “moonwalk” while tap-dancing.
What most added to the show for me was the atmospheric music of Kajiura Yuki, who wrote music that spanned several genres, but mostly faux-Medieval European music, such as the song in this video clip, “Salva Nos”. Also, there was a recurring theme, where the amnesiac girl had a musical watch which played a theme song that the other girl remembered from childhood. Ms. Kajiura played many variations on that theme throughout the show’s episodes, and it added a haunting current to the scenes of both violence and stillness.
This was one of the first anime in the “girls with guns” genre, which led to two follow-on anime by the same production company, Bee Train, called “Madlax” and “El Cazador de la Bruja”, but with different characters and no relation plot-wise. Other anime in this genre include “Gunslinger Girls” and even parodies such as the currently running “Sabagebu”.
This video clip is a music video of “Salva Nos”, with many action scenes from various episodes of “Noir.” Enjoy!
The anime short starts off with a lonely, sad ghost girl, who happens to hear two haunted tap shoes singing and dancing to “Moses Supposes” from “Singing in the Rain.”
(Update: I didn’t know this before but the other singer and dancer you hear is Donald O’Conner!)
and the closing theme is “Half Pain”, both songs by “Bana”:
Very moody and evocative, much like the anime.
Here is an excellent review of the anime, or you can always hit Wikipedia.