Nerdtour 2012 quickie: Ameyoko enka store

I’m a big fan of Japanese Enka music, which is an original Japanese style of music often called “Japanese blues”, because it was influenced by American blues, and because it’s usually about the same types of subjects that blues covers: Lost loves, old friends long gone, “the good old days”,… Continue reading

DC Sakura Matsuri 2013 – Matsuri!

Well, after walking and walking and walking, I made it to the end of the parade route, where I was able to finally cross Constitution Avenue to the side where the matsuri was taking place. Then it was another 4 block or so walk to get to the nearest entrance… Continue reading

Kenji Kawai concert: Ghost In The Shell Soundtrack

I don’t know how long this will stay up before the Copyright Commandos remove it, so watch while you can.

An impossible mission…

I’m talking about how impossible it is to not like this collaboration between ‘The Piano Guys” and Lindsey Stirling, performing their own version of the “Mission Impossible” theme.

Dance like you just don’t care…

couple dancing

At the DC Sakura Matsuri in 2011, I happened to catch this couple as they danced to the music of a band playing at one of the music bandstands in the plaza of the Reagan building. They had obviously been dancing together for quite a while, and they were having… Continue reading

“Hazy Shade of Winter”

One of my favorite songs by Simon and Garfunkel, later performed in the 80’s by The Bangles for one of those “Brat Pack” movies, which I never saw (being too old to appreciate the subject matter).