This person has them, by a long shot. Goes from a sketch, to a drawing, to a painting, to near photorealism. Catchy Russian music, too…
A place for things I found…
these things sound nice!
This person has them, by a long shot. Goes from a sketch, to a drawing, to a painting, to near photorealism. Catchy Russian music, too…
Ah, the art of photography…
The Beatles were notorious cutups on stage and in private, especially in the early days when they were becoming so ridiculously successful. Watch how Ringo (and the others, to some extent) handles the stage directions, all through their lip-syncing to their song “Help”!
*Sigh* from back in the days when music was fun, and not “important”…
This is an autistic man who’s been chosen to sing the National Anthem at a ball game in Fenway Park, for “Disability Awareness Day,” but partway through he messes up the lyrics. He’s completely flustered, but the crowd in the stadium comes to his rescue by singing the right words along with him. To hear all the people filling the stadium with the Anthem, and to see the man’s reaction, this is why I can’t give up on America. As long as we have people like this crowd, we won’t fail.
There is a company in Japan that has written a fantastic piece of software that allows even non-musicians to write music and songs for a “virtual singer” to perform. Continue reading “Hatsune Miku, computer-generated singer (from Japan, of course)”