Zen Pencils: “Shaolin Monk Experience”

Shaolin Monk
Zen Pencils Mascot

Zen Pencils” is a webcomic by a young man in Australia named Gavin Aung Than, who works as a freelance illustrator. He mixes philosophy and art in a very charming style, drawing illustrations based on quotes from famous people. Continue reading “Zen Pencils: “Shaolin Monk Experience””

Here’s to the Brits! (at least one of them, anyway!)

Boy, this Nigel Farage guy is one gutsy politician. I love his style! Continue reading “Here’s to the Brits! (at least one of them, anyway!)”

The Glorious 4th Of July

From PJTV, “Afterburner” with Bill Whittle tells us why this Fourth is nowhere near as bad as other Fourths through history, so let’s enjoy this one. There will always be more bad news later, but for one day we can celebrate our freedom the best way possible, by living free! Continue reading “The Glorious 4th Of July”

Mandate, tax, whatever…

Okay, I’m going to go political for a post, apologies in advance but this is too important.

So, Congress can demand all citizens be forced to buy insurance or pay the fine. Okay, great. The House Republicans should submit a bill, the “American Self-Protection Act”, and mandate that all citizens over the age of 18 be required to own and be qualified to use a handgun, be required to re-qualify once a year (April 15 sounds like a nice time), and be required to purchase a certain amount of ammunition for the handgun every year. Anyone who doesn’t do so would be required to pay three times the cost as a “fine”.

Hey, the Supreme Court says they can, it’s strictly Constitutional, and it would drive the Leftists up the wall in anger…

It won’t happen, of course, but a fellow can dream.

Update:  Thank you “M. Chillingworth” for linking to me and others on this!  (I really like your approach to blogging, as well!)

Crotchety old computer geek and the horse-drawn computers…

Well now if this don’t beat all, I done run acrosst a fellow old-timer on this here Internet thang, and he’s done told it like it was, fer sure! Continue reading “Crotchety old computer geek and the horse-drawn computers…”

The President is going to the dogs!

Poodle?  I thought it was a Chow!
When re-elected, I promise a puppy in every pot!

The right wing of the blogosphere is going wild with the whole “Obama ate dog meat” thing, especially after making all the fuss about the Romney’s taking their dog on the roof of their car. This site by Frank J. Fleming already skewered politics with fantastically funny satire, but he’s in hog (dog?) heaven with this latest. Here’s his newest list of Obama-dog-eating one-liners:


My favorite:  “Dog bites man – not news. Man bites dog – news. President bites dog – BEST NIGHT OF TWITTER EVER!!!”