“Old Hippy 3” – Bellamy Brothers

I wasn’t old enough to be a hippy, by a few years, and I likely wouldn’t have been one if I had been old enough, but I can definitely feel the weight of the years since then. The Bellamy Brothers first recorded “Old Hippy” back in the early 80’s, then did a sequel in the 90’s, and this looks to be the third. The first one gave the point of view of a 35 year old, then a 45 year old, and now a 55 year old. Interestingly enough, the opening verse is spot on, “He turns 55 next Sunday” and I turn 55 two Sundays after this post. Most of the other parts of the “old hippy”‘s life, I can’t relate to, never having been married I have no grandkids, but my brother and sister do. I do relate to the feeling of trying to be closer to God, and being more reflective in seeking the quiet times. There are parts of the song that are universal, too, to anyone stuck in middle age.

The man who made this video recorded a ride on his motorcycle one Easter day, and it’s a great accompaniment to the song, as he looks to be about my age.

At any rate, enjoy this, even if you have to turn the volume up more than you used to!

A little enka music

So, the last post I talked about enka music, but didn’t bother to link to any examples. Well, this time I’m going to show you what I mean by “Japanese blues”.

This one is one of my all-time favorites, “Sake yo” by Ikuzo Yoshi. I even learned enough to sing it fairly well, and sang it in one of my Japanese classes. It was easier to learn once I could know that he was singing about the friends he had when he was young, and that are long gone, leaving him with his one friend, sake, and listening to enka.

This one is about a man living far from his home up north, remembering his girl, his father and mother, as the cold wind and snow reminds him of home. He drinks sake to help.

And lest you think that only men drown their sorrows in sake, this lady is singing about “lonely sake” (ひとり酒) in an izakaya bar.

And even not all enka are sad songs, my favorite singer (the one I knew when I went to the enka store the first time), Ishikawa Sayuri is known for singing both sad and upbeat enka songs, as you can hear here:

So, that’s just a tiny tiny sample of what enka is. It’s not to everyone’s taste, and in fact it’s considered “middle-aged peoples’ music” or even “old folks’ music” in Japan. Uh, oh, since I’m middle-aged…


Reaching Autumn: A “Calvin and Hobbes” fan movie…

This is an interesting short (13 minutes) movie, “Reaching Autumn: A Calvin and Hobbes Movie”, featuring live actors portraying the characters “Calvin” and “Susie Derkins” from the comic strip “Calvin and Hobbes” once they’ve grown up and entered society as young adults. Calvin is portrayed as a serious businessman who’s abandoned his imaginary world, while Susie is shown as a bohemian, free-spirited artist. They meet by accident and have lunch together, while comparing notes about their childhood memories and their current lives. It’s a tender movie, with flashbacks and many scenes in the autumn woods. Some of the acting is a bit stiff, the timing is not quite right, but the heart is definitely there, and if you have fond memories of the “Calvin and Hobbes” comic strip, then you won’t be disappointed in this take on it, especially the end.
