And I’m off! (we know)

So I’m sitting here at the gate at Nashville Airport, waiting to board my flight to Dallas, to catch my main flight to Japan, Thus begins Nerdtour 2025, the Grand Hurrah! Still planning on two months in Japan, to see as much of the country as I can, since this is likely the last trip I can afford.

Will check in often as possible, photos and possibly videos to follow!

Nerdtour 2018 – complete with apologies


Well, the trip is over now, I’m back in the US and trying to get back into the right time zone.  Sorry I stopped updating the page, it got to the point where I was too tired at the end of each day to deal with the crappy WordPress interface, it was so much easier to just drop a picture or two and a short writeup into Facebook, so for all who were wanting to see what I did each day, I’ll eventually post some things here, but they won’t be the live blog that I advertised.  Sorry again about that.

Counting down to Nerdtour 2018: 還暦の誕生日だ

Only a few days left, and the latest Nerdtour begins!

Launch day is Saturday 21 July 2018, one week before my 60th birthday on the 28th.

The title?

“還暦” (kanreki) is one’s 60th birthday, which is one full cycle of the Buddhist calendar, of 12 zodiac animals and 5 types of each.

 In those terms, someone who reaches 60 years old starts a new cycle.

“誕生日” (tanjoubi) is Japanese for “birthday”, and “の” is the possessive particle, which altogether makes it “60th birthday”.

More to come!

Nerdtour Japan 2016: winding down

Well I really planned to do a daily blog of the trip, but given how much I was doing during the day, and usually not getting back to the hotel until 8 or 9 at night, I didn’t have time to sit and write up the day’s activities.  I also was bone tired as I was averaging a good 6-8 miles of walking every day, so about all I could do was dowload the days pictures onto my laptop.  I do regret not being able to do more writeups, in a way, but I realized it’s better to spend the time actually experiencing something.  I’ll have a whole lot of time to write entries once I’m done, but they won’t have the immediacy of near “real-time” entries. 

For anyone who was checking in to see what was new, I apologize for not updating. 

Trying out Google Map plugin

shichirigahama-083So, I want to start putting a map on my posts, for those places where I’ve traveled, so that anyone interested can find them.  This is a test of the Google Maps plugin, which is supposed to help that.

So, the picture above I took at Shichirigahama, near Enoshima in Japan.  Supposedly there is a map here that will show exactly where I was.

ComfyCon 2013! It’s here!


It’s that time, boys and girls! Time for the easiest, most stress-free, relaxing, COMFIEST convention you’ll ever attend! ComfyCon 2013 is here! Three days of geeking out your own way, you can watch the panels, host your own panel, do whatever you like, because you never have to leave your computer, or even put on clothes, although if you want to cosplay, that’s fine too, we won’t judge! The convention happens entirely online! No need to pack a suitcase, no need to book a flight, because there’s no place to go!

The brainchild of Randal (“Something Positive”) Mulholland and Danielle (“Girls with Slingshots”) Corsetto, aided and abetted by a bunch of other webcomic artists, the first ComfyCon last year was created for people who couldn’t get to go (or didn’t want to hassle with going) to San Diego Comic-Con. Danielle and the others used YouTube to host the panels live and streaming, with much craziness and pantslessness, at least from what I could see. At any rate, the ComfyCon program is here, at, check out all the panels, I can guarantee they’ll be the easiest to attend, and you don’t have to worry about filling up the room or dealing with those horrible uncomfortable chairs (unless you have some yourself, for some reason)! Best of all, no con funk! Unless, again, you have it yourself, in which case…

Update!  Now that the official ComfyCon Vendor’s Room is open, beat feet there and scarf the sweet sweet merch from the artists!  THEY HAVE DEALS!