Nerdtour 2003: USA!

In late May and most of June, 2003, I drove across the US, starting in Alexandria Virginia, right outside Washington DC, and going to Denver Colorado, then down to Texas, over to Tennessee, and back home.  I got to visit with relatives, both ones I knew about and ones I had never met (distant relatives on Dad’s side), and I got to see a lot of places that were just names on a map or a history book before.  Now, after this trip, I know just exactly what Boot Hill looks like, and just how daggone flat Kansas is, and just how big the Alamo is!

Here are the blog posts from that trip:

Nerd Tour 2003

T Minus 9 hours and counting!

On the road at last!

Day 3: Arrival!

Happy Memorial Day!

High plains drifting...

Dallas was...

Not long, now!

Nerd Tour 2003: Aftermath


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