Nerdtour 2012: The Trip!

So, having made all the plans I could make, I left for Japan! I made it to Japan successfully, and so began my adventure! Here are the posts (so far) of what I did while I was there, some of them written while in my Tokyo apartment, a few written after I got back and had the luxury of time!

Nerdtour 2012: Touchdown!

Nerdtour 2012: Phase Shift

Nerdtour 2012: Apartment

Nerdtour 2012: Still alive!

Nerdtour 2012: To see Mt. Fuji...

Nerdtour 2012: almost done

Nerdtour 2012: Narita

Nerdtour 2012: End of the line...

Nerdtour 2012: Asakusa Matsuri pt. 2

Nerdtour 2012: It's the future!

And more to come!

And here (10 years later!) are the “more”! Flashbacks and quickies from the trip!

Nerdtour 2012: A bit of Akihabara

Matsushima, two years later (pt. 2)

They've landed!

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