More Otakon 2012 updates coming soon…

Well, the notorious “con-crud” or “con-grunge” or “con-fluenza” has laid me out for a bit, so the reports on Otakon 2012 Day 2 and Day 3 will be posted later this week.  32,000+ people all in the same space breathing each others’ air, often having to nearly yell to make… Continue reading

Otakon 2012: Day 1

Haruhara, Kanti, and Mamimi

Otakon! This year’s Otakon is much bigger than the ones before, but then that’s always the case.  This year there were a lot of new anime, a lot of interesting panels, and of course, cosplayers.  Lots and lots of cosplayers…

Sports beauty Michelle Jenneke…

Michelle Jenneke is a women’s hurdler from Australia, and her hot “loosening up” routine at the recent World Junior Championships in Barcelona got a lot of attention.

Webcomic review: “Grrl Power” by David Barrack

[WARNING: the comic being reviewed is not safe for work, or for small children or for those of weak constitution. Seriously. There’s language here that could make a sailor blush, and does. Literally. It is hilarious though. So if cursing and “foul language” angers you, do not read further!]