“Alien cathouse for sci-fi nerds.” Oh, brother…

So, a “brothel owner” (euphemism) in Nevada is going to open a science fiction-themed “alien cathouse” to prey on the nerd market. I guess this means that there are enough nerds out there with enough money to justify the effort, and that being a (desperate) science-fiction fan is at least… Continue reading

Okay, these guys are just way too good…

I stumbled across these guys when I saw this really neat video on Youtube.  “The Piano Guys” are a couple of musicians that re-do popular music with piano and cello and other instruments.  They use them to re-interpret the music as well, as in the “Cello Wars” video, which also… Continue reading

AnimeUSA 2011 Last day pics

Pictures from the third and last day of AnimeUSA 2011. Kind of a shame, there has been an anime convention in Crystal City since at least 1997, and this will be the last one for the foreseeable future. I went to my first one, Katsucon 4 I think it was,… Continue reading

AnimeUSA Day 2, More pictures

Oh, look, it’s more pictures! These are from Day 2 of AnimeUSA 2011, taken Saturday the 19th. More pictures than Friday, but then again there were more things and people to take pictures of! Even pictures of people taking pictures! If you see yourself in one of them, please leave… Continue reading