Be prepared to kiss your Internet goodbye…

Our Government is about to take away most of our rights on the Internet, all in the name of preserving the profits of the movie and music industry, two groups that have already made copyright a permanent thing, even though it spits on the memory of the Founders. The idea… Continue reading

Presenting The Oomphalapompatronium!

Now, if this thing doesn’t make you want to go out to the garage and throw together some kind of music-making thingamajig, I don’t know what would! Apparently this guy, Leonard Solomon, makes all kinds of musical instruments out of, well, stuff. He gives performances of his musical and geeky… Continue reading

Well? What would YOU do?

Three years old, and she’s already got the right idea, if monsters come into your room, what would you do? This is very important, because monsters can sneak in when you aren’t looking! Don’t really know what part of them is their “ask”, though… I love her Mom’s reaction, she… Continue reading

Impressive Photoshop painting skills

This person has them, by a long shot. Goes from a sketch, to a drawing, to a painting, to near photorealism. Catchy Russian music, too…