Anime USA 2015!

I managed to attend Anime USA for the first time in over 4 years, since they moved away from the Crystal City Hyatt to the Wardman Park Marriott in DC.

I didn’t get to see everything, but I did manage to get some photos, so enjoy!

“Gisoku no Moses”, a delightful anime short inspired by Gene Kelly

Screen Shot 2014-08-25 at 9.22.14 PMLeave it to Japan to combine a catchy Gene Kelly tap-dance number from “Singing in the Rain” with a cute anime ghost girl, to create one of the sweetest, cutest anime shorts I’ve seen to date. A lot of the world seems to agree, since the YouTube video is now over 300,000 views, and the comments section is filled with all kinds of languages from fans.

Screen Shot 2014-08-25 at 9.27.01 PMThe anime short starts off with a lonely, sad ghost girl, who happens to hear two haunted tap shoes singing and dancing to “Moses Supposes” from “Singing in the Rain.”

Screen Shot 2014-08-25 at 9.25.26 PM
She’s hesitant at first, but soon she starts trying to dance with them, and as the song goes on she breaks into a tap-dance routine just like Gene Kelly’s. It’s kind of bittersweet, as the shoes lose their movement, but in the closing we see a shopkeeper (Named Mose!) watching the ghost girl looking at a sign in his window for “Singing in the Rain”, and the last scene shows them in a theater where she’s enjoying “Singing in the Rain” with the shopkeeper!

Screen Shot 2014-08-25 at 9.31.43 PMThis is one to really enjoy!

(Update: I didn’t know this before but the other singer and dancer you hear is Donald O’Conner!)

Anime music: “Witch Hunter Robin” opening and closing themes

So, in honor of “Throwback Thursday”, I present the opening and closing themes to one of my favorite anime from a few years back (12!), “Witch Hunter Robin”. The opening theme is called “Shell”:

and the closing theme is “Half Pain”, both songs by “Bana”:

Very moody and evocative, much like the anime.

Here is an excellent review of the anime, or you can always hit Wikipedia.

Katsucon 2014 pics as promised

So, I said I’d post some more Katsucon pics from last week, and here they are! There are a whole lot more on my portfolio site, if you want to see more. These are what I think are my best of the best, so enjoy!

[cryout-multi][cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column] [cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column][cryout-column width=”1/3″]Crunchyroll subscriber[/cryout-column][/cryout-multi][cryout-multi][cryout-column width=”1/3″] [/cryout-column][cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column][cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column][/cryout-multi][cryout-multi][cryout-column width=”1/3″]
[/cryout-column] [cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column][cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column][/cryout-multi][cryout-multi][cryout-column width=”1/3″]Old school! [/cryout-column][cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column] [cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column][/cryout-multi][cryout-multi][cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column][cryout-column width=”1/3″] [/cryout-column] [cryout-column width=”1/3″] [/cryout-column] [/cryout-multi][cryout-multi][cryout-column width=”1/3″] [/cryout-column] [cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column] [cryout-column width=”1/3″] [/cryout-column] [/cryout-multi][cryout-multi][cryout-column width=”1/3″] [/cryout-column] [cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column] [cryout-column width=”1/3″] [/cryout-column] [/cryout-multi][cryout-multi][cryout-column width=”1/3″] [/cryout-column] [cryout-column width=”1/3″][/cryout-column] [cryout-column width=”1/3″] [/cryout-column] [/cryout-multi]

All Otakon 2013 photos

I’ve uploaded all the Otakon 2013 photos now, they’re available on my photo site. If you want to see all the convention photos, you can go to my Conventions gallery, or if you just want to see cosplayers close-up, go to my Cosplay gallery. There will be more as I move them from this site to that one, but it will take some time.

Until then, enjoy!

Kenji Kawai concert: Ghost In The Shell Soundtrack

I don’t know how long this will stay up before the Copyright Commandos remove it, so watch while you can.
Continue reading “Kenji Kawai concert: Ghost In The Shell Soundtrack”

Katsucon 2013 SuperUltraMega-Cosplay-Photo-Extravapaloozathonorama!

(Okay, it’s not THAT big, but there are a lot of pictures!)
Continue reading “Katsucon 2013 SuperUltraMega-Cosplay-Photo-Extravapaloozathonorama!”