Tag: beauty
My Paintings: Priscilla Presley
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My Paintings: Lynda Carter
What I really like about this picture is that it’s one of the very few from the time where she’s photographed while not wearing her “Wonder Woman” costume!  I have to admit I was never much of a fan of her “Wonder Woman” TV show, but I surely was a big fan of Ms. Carter!  Besides her obvious characteristics (Sexism alert! ^__^), what really drew me to this photo and to the actress herself was her eyes.  They say that “the eyes are the mirror of the soul,” but all I know is I had no trouble gazing into those beautiful eyes for hours, desparately trying to capture in pigment their appearance, their depth.  I don’t know if I did her justice, but I gave it my best shot!  My hat’s off to the anonymous (or at least uncredited) photographer for catching on film a fantastic pose, and wonderful expression.
Here is the picture, if you want to comment on it, please be kind! Â ^_^
My paintings: Erin Gray
This one is a painting I did of the actress Erin Gray, who at the time (the 80’s, you may have heard about it from your parents or grandparents) was starring in a TV show called “Silver Spoons”. Â She was interviewed in an edition of “TV Guide” magazine, and the article was accompanied by a very beautiful photo of Ms. Gray. Â I usually based my paintings on photographs of beautiful women as I came across them, so I don’t actually “create” the art, I pretty much copy it in a larger format, in a different medium, with whatever skill I can muster. Â Not every one works well, and I probably won’t display the ones I’m not so happy with, but then again I might inflict them upon the unwary Internet! Â (cue evil chuckle).
At any rate, this is a photo I took of the painting, with some correction for the distortion of the camera lens. Â If you like it or hate it, please comment.
Fantastic a capella music…
Words don’t do it justice, just watch and listen.
Impressive Photoshop painting skills

This person has them, by a long shot. Goes from a sketch, to a drawing, to a painting, to near photorealism. Catchy Russian music, too…