Some video silliness at Katsucon 2012

In an earlier post I showed some pictures I took of some kids cosplaying as characters from the videogame Final Fantasy (I have no idea who the characters are, but that’s not important!).  Here is a video with clips I took while I was taking stills (it really helps to have a DSLR that can do video!) and some music to highlight the silliness.  We all had fun and I hope to see them again at a future anime con!

More Katsucon 2012 cosplayers

Here are some more of the cosplayers I took pictures of at Katsucon 2012 a couple of weeks ago. Some of them didn’t turn out so well, and for that I apologize to anyone that I didn’t capture nicely enough, or if I made your excellent costuming come out looking not as good. Everyone’s creativity and skill was definitely fantastic (in more ways than one ^_^) and I hope you all get to see these!

Thanks to all who allowed me to photograph them, and I hope to see you at the next con!

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Katsucon end of con photo shoot

My friend John Nelson let me tag along on his photo shoot with a group of nice kids he’d met at other conventions, and so I snapped a few shots at the same time.  Here are a few of the best, I’ll be posting some videos to YouTube later, along with other pictures from Katsucon.

Note: to download a full-sized version, click on the thumbnail and when the picture comes up, right-click to save.

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