Here are some photos I took at the Kiyosumi Gardens, a small municipal park in Tokyo, just about a mile or so from my apartment.
Continue reading “Nerdtour 2012: Kiyosumi Gardens, Tokyo”
Tag: nerdtour
Nerdtour 2012: A Garden, A Meal, A Clock, Some Boats, and The “Statue of Liberty”
Well, I’m going to have to do this one in stages, but guess I can give you a little photo teaser of what everything I did on the first day (and dang near wore myself out doing!)
Continue reading “Nerdtour 2012: A Garden, A Meal, A Clock, Some Boats, and The “Statue of Liberty””
Continue reading “Nerdtour 2012: A Garden, A Meal, A Clock, Some Boats, and The “Statue of Liberty””
Nerdtour 2012: Phase Shift
This is pretty bad, I had intended to write something every day, but since I did so much on Tuesday (it’s Wednesday morning about 6 AM as I write) that I think I’m just going to write when I can about some of the things I did, whenever I get a chance and the energy!
Continue reading “Nerdtour 2012: Phase Shift”
Continue reading “Nerdtour 2012: Phase Shift”
Nerdtour 2012: A Typical Tokyo hotel…
The first night in Tokyo, I stayed at a hotel, partly to unwind and rest from the trip, and partly so I could keep the stuff I’m hauling around close to the apartment I’m going to move into. All campaigns succeed or fail on logistics, and I was determined that this one would succeed!
Continue reading “Nerdtour 2012: A Typical Tokyo hotel…”
Continue reading “Nerdtour 2012: A Typical Tokyo hotel…”
Nerdtour 2012: Day 1, and lessons learned (the hard way)

So, okay, technically it’s Day 1 and 2, but I don’t feel like counting the day that I travelled here, although it was semi-eventful, in that I navigated the Narita airport support system as well as the Japan Rail system, at least to a small degree!
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Nerdtour 2012: Touchdown!
Oh, man, what a flight! I definitely think going without sleep helps on long international flights (of course flying first class doesn’t hurt!) because I was too tired for even my basic take-of and landing fears! I slept enough during the 13 hours from Dallas to Narita to arrive alert enough to make it through immigration and customs with only tiny goofs.
I wasn’t awake enough to avoid one big problem, though, but it turned into a learning experience, more on that later!
Back to sleep, off to get the keys to my apartment in a few hours!
Nerdtour 2012: Liftoff, we have liftoff!
And I’m off! (we’ve known that for years ) Took off from National Airport just a few minutes late but made it to Dallas just a bit early. I decided to take the Skylink train between Terminal C to Terminal D, since I had the luxury of time. I was pleasantly reminded by the musical prelude to the arrival at each stop, of how JR trains play a different short tune when arriving and departing. Just another thing to look forward to!
Next entry will hopefully be from Narita airport!