Nerdtour 2012: T-minus 31 Days: Apartment reserved

Monzennakacho BAnother milestone in preparation for Nerdtour 2012: I have an apartment in Tokyo reserved and ready to be moved into on October 22!

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Nerdtour 2012: T-minus 35 days and counting, some thoughts…

Inou Tadataka, a role model of sorts

Only 35 days till I leave for Japan! I’m making some final plans, getting things lined up and ready to go. There’s a lot more information available online for trip planning in Japan than there was, even in 2010, especially in the area of figuring out costs. With the exchange rate hovering at about 77 yen/dollar (effectively 70 yen, depending on where you exchange it), it’s going to be more important than ever to save money. ( Continue reading “Nerdtour 2012: T-minus 35 days and counting, some thoughts…”

Announcing Nerdtour 2012!

My month-long trip to Japan starts in October, and I’m starting to make plans and preparations for the big Nerdtour 2012! Continue reading “Announcing Nerdtour 2012!”