Day 3 of Otakon 2012, and you can tell that the con is winding down. You can almost feel the exhaustion of the con-goers, by Sunday afternoon more people were sitting than standing! There were occasional bursts of energy, though. At any rate, here are the photos from Day 3 of Otakon 2012. Enjoy!
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Tag: Otakon 2012
Otakon 2012 Day 2 Pictures update!
Well, I could have written a few things about what I did at Otakon on Day 2 (my birthday!), but nah, I think most people just want to see the pictures, so here they are, a whole mess of them from Day 2!
UPDATE: I found about 20 more pictures I took Saturday, that I thought I had lost! I added them to the gallery below, they were taken in the plaza and fountain at the Inner Harbor!
Continue reading “Otakon 2012 Day 2 Pictures update!”
UPDATE: I found about 20 more pictures I took Saturday, that I thought I had lost! I added them to the gallery below, they were taken in the plaza and fountain at the Inner Harbor!
Continue reading “Otakon 2012 Day 2 Pictures update!”
More Otakon 2012 updates coming soon…
Well, the notorious “con-crud” or “con-grunge” or “con-fluenza” has laid me out for a bit, so the reports on Otakon 2012 Day 2 and Day 3 will be posted later this week. Â 32,000+ people all in the same space breathing each others’ air, often having to nearly yell to make myself heard, plus braying 70’s pop music at the top of my lungs in a singalong with others at the “Evangelion” fan parody showing, all part of the recipe for microbial hijinks. Â Oh, and sleep deprivation to boot.
Here are some pictures from Saturday and Sunday, to make up for lack of full updates: