It’s a book thing!

So, I finally have a few tools to help me with the workflow, the process of making a photo book. I decided to work on a few books from my Nerdtour 2012 excursion, one each on a different place, topic, or a single day. I took so many photos that it was hard to work on them individually, selecting each one, adjusting lighting, selecting which to use and not use. Fortunately technology has kept advancing and getting more affordable, so now with Adobe Lightroom and Blurb BookSmart I think I can start creating the books I want to write! Of course, the hard part will now be writing up stuff in the books, the photo part was easy! By the way, the first book will be about the Kiyosumi Garden in Koto Ward, Tokyo, which just happened to be a couple of miles from my apartment, and one brief subway stop away!

Here’s a couple of screenshots of the “work” in progress:

Screen Shot 2013-04-26 at 11.51.40 AM

Screen Shot 2013-04-26 at 11.59.22 AM

Some slight site mods…

You may or may not have noticed, but I’ve been adding banner pictures from my Nerdtour 2012 in Japan, just for variety. Each time you load the page, there’s a different picture (usually!) and more will be coming. Just a little something to break the monotony! I’ll likely be adding the originals sometime soon, as well!

Otakon 2012 Day1, Pictures

I would have added to the original post, but I thought, “what the heck, show the pictures already!”  So, here they are, the best of the ones I took on Friday, Day 1 of Otakon 2012.
Continue reading “Otakon 2012 Day1, Pictures”

Cherry Blossom time in DC!

It’s that time of year again, when the cherry blossom trees are in bloom! This year kind of snuck up on everyone, since it’s been so warm, the trees bloomed a bit earlier than usual. I managed to get down there this past weekend and got hundreds of pictures. I’ll be posting the best of them in a gallery in a day or so, but here’s one that I really like. I hope you all like it, too!