Day 3: Arrival!

Man, that was a long day! Left Columbia Missouri at 10 AM (EDT, still haven’t changed my car’s clock!), and got all the way to Denver at 11 PM EDT! 760 miles in one day, about the farthest I’ve driven by myself, and if it hadn’t been for the 70 and 75 MPH speed limits, I’d probably still be on the road!

So, everyone who said Kansas is flat, is mostly right! Eastern Kansas has some nice rolling hills, but the thing that makes it look flatter is the dearth of trees. And western Kansas is just flat. Did get a chance to do the “touristy” thing, and spent a few minutes in Abilene KS. Saw Dwight Eisenhower’s home and museum, and got a couple of nice pictures of old Abilene, especially the train station. Most of the trip was just driving, driving and more driving.

Most interesting city to take photos in: Kansas City.

Only city where my camera was not charged and ready to take photos: Kansas City.

Well, my niece has all kinds of things lined up to do while I’m here in the Denver area, and none of them involve me driving! Huzzah!

More later, and I think I may have pictures uploaded tonight!

Day 2: Columbia Missouri, mile 973

Well, this part was much more eventful than day 1. I made better distance today, although not as far as I would have liked. After 11 hours, it started to catch up to me, just couldn’t stay awake for the 120 miles to Kansas City. Yeah, I’m a wimp, so what? 🙂

Funniest billboard:
XM Radio ad, about 60 miles east of Indianapolis:
“How do we get 100 stations all the way out here?
Satellites. Big freaking satellites.”

Next funniest:
Billboard company just west of St. Louis:
Billboard 1 Some kind of ad for a store, but all blurred
Billboard 2 “MADE”
Billboard 3 “YOU”
Billboard 4 “LOOK”

Best damn food on the whole trip so far: Blue Springs Restaurant, Exit 30, Interstate 70, western Illinois. Home of the “Foot High Pie,” which is really a foot high. Mostly merengue, but easily 12 inches deep. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to try any, because the meal was huge, and incredibly delicious. A deep-fried 1 lb. catfish, which was so tender the only thing keeping the meat on the bones was the fried batter. Green beans cooked with ham, applesauce, something that looked like sweet potatoes but turned out to be pumpkin, homemade coleslaw with no mayonnaise, mashed potatoes, pickled beets, and biscuits made from whole wheat flour. Served “family style,” which means it will feed a family of four with leftovers. In all fairness I made quite a dent, but came nowhere near finishing. Nearest thing to an old-fashioned road trip I’ve experienced so far.

Most like home: Rush hour traffic, I-70 downtown St. Louis
Being tailgated at 80 MPH in an 50 MPH zone, dodging cars making lane changes with inches to spare, without signaling (at 80 MPH). Dodging cars crossing 3 right lanes to take an exit at the last minute. It felt just like being back in NoVa, brought a tear to my eye and a smile to my face.

Actually, the smile was more like a grimace caused by my facial muscles frozen in a rictus of shear terror. But I was able to put on my DC Metro driving instincts like a comfortable, bloodstained leather glove.

Don’t get me wrong, St. Louis was a lovely place to see in my rear-view mirror, and the drivers I encountered obviously started out as cute, cherubic babies whose mothers loved them very much, but once they got their alleged drivers licenses, it all changed. I’m pretty sure they didn’t get licenses by taking driver’s tests, they were probably given them by some kind of scratch-off gambling game. “If you match three road hazards, congratulations! You’re a driver!”

I mean, gambling is big, really big in the St. Louis area. There’s a huge sign trying to “guilt” people into gambling by telling drivers that gambling paid 1 billion dollars toward Missouri education. The sign was near a former multi-story hotel converted into a casino, called “Noah’s Ark.” I don’t even want to contemplate the theological implications of that name.

They almost installed a slot machine in my car when it was stopped for a traffic jam, until they saw my Virginia tags.

Weirdest animal encounter: Day 1, running into a swarm of bees, and having about a dozen splats of bee guts on my windshield.

Saddest animal encounter: So far, I’ve seen 8 deer carcasses along the side of the Interstate, starting in Maryland, and in each state except Indiana. Some kind of predation needs to be restored, so that the deer don’t jump out in front of semis and cars. Either resume hunting, or reintroduce some natural predators that used to thin the deer herds. Just my opinion.

Next saddest animal encounter: Being behind a pickup truck 60 miles west of St. Louis when the truck hit a bird in flight, and driving into the cloud of feathers. Although the sadness is tinted with a bit of humor.

Well, that’s all for tonight, I hope I can get to Denver tomorrow night, but I’m not going to kill myself trying. Still have over 600 miles to go.

On the road at last!

Well, I made it to Columbus Ohio before calling it a night. Made it about 440 miles on day 1. Not bad, but not as far as I would have liked. Ran into rain, rain and more rain, all through Ohio.

Worst roads so far: Pennsylvania. Second worst: western Ohio.
Bumpy, potholed, decayed.

Best scenery so far: Western Maryland. Cumberland MD is about the nicest looking old town I’ve seen in a long time. I wish I had known before I got there, so I could have stopped and taken pictures. May have to make a day trip one day, just to take pictures!

I wanted to update my web page with pictures, but AOL here is being a [CENSORED] about not allowing my packets to route to my server. [CENSORED] corporate [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED].

At least after a couple of tries (using the AOL browser only!) they let me log in here, so I could update my journal. Oh, well, at least there’ll be something to look forward to, some day!

I feel like NASA – trip delayed 1 day

Well, talk about underestimating. It took longer to pack up today, and to take care of some last-minute business, so I didn’t make it on the road until 3:30. Plus, thanks to some traffic disruptions due to a bomb hoax, the traffic heading north (the way I wanted to go) had already clogged Interstate 270. Anyone who’s been on it knows it would have taken hours just to go 20 miles, so I turned around and came back home. Fortunately getting on the road tomorrow won’t be as hard, since I’ve only unpacked as much as if I was at a hotel.

Launch delayed due to pilot stupidity!


T Minus 9 hours and counting!

Nerd Tour 2003 begins at 10:00 AM EDT Monday morning! Final systems checks were made, the vehicle condition is nominal, final loading will begin at approximately 9:00 AM. Pilot is in varying stages of excitement and anxiety, and is preparing for sleep. Web page was updated with map showing first leg of the route, DC to Denver.

More to follow!

Nerd Tour 2003

What is Nerd Tour 2003? It’s my doofy name for the cross-country road trip I’m taking over the next 4 weeks.

Why a road trip? Two reasons: One, it’s kind of the American thing to do, to take to the road, following the sunset; and Two, it’s unAmerican the way people are treated by the “security” staff at US airports, so this is my personal thumb in the eye of government officials who want to assume I’m a criminal and insist on treating me that way.

I’m planning to use this journal to let people who are interested (all 5 of you! 🙂 know where I am and what I’m doing, updating it every evening when I stop for the night, AOL willing and the phones work right. There may be pictures as well, occasionally. We’ll have to see how it works out.