Back to the blogs! Russian flash-mob! New job!

So, it’s been an eventful couple of weeks, so eventful that I had to actually spend the time living them, instead of blogging about them! Between searching for a new job, interviews, traveling to see family for Christmas, and fighting the lingering snot-virus that took up residence in my sinuses, I really haven’t much of a chance to write up anything.

Now, though, the holiday travel is over, I’ve accepted an offer to work (at last!), I’ve recovered from the annoying cold, and I have some free time until the new job starts, so I’ll be getting back into the swing of blogging things!

First up, I stumbled across this video from 2012 of a flash mob in Russia performing “Putting on the Ritz”! It’s really nice to see at least some Russians having a great time, it’s a refreshing change from the old Cold War Soviet days when all the pictures you would see from the USSR would be dour, grayish, bland things, with the occasional “official State Culture” entertainments. One of the commenters on the YouTube video was pretty funny, saying that it sounded like the singers were singing “Putin oguretz”, which is “Putin is a cucumber.” In the old days that person would have been “disappeared” but now he just joins in the sea of snark that is the YouTube comment section!

At any rate, here is the flash mob, enjoy!

Some new, kind of strange, kind of neat music

Okay, I really like roaming around the Internet following random links that come up in searches and on Youtube, and occasionally I find some really neat music, often wildly different from the kind of pop music we’re used to here in the US.

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