I figured I’d try the “tilt-shift” action in the latest Adobe Photoshop Elements, modifying one of my Nerdtour photos.
Continue reading “Nerdtour 2012 quickie: some tilt-shift fun”
Tag: Tsukishima
Nerdtour 2012: A Garden, A Meal, A Clock, Some Boats, and The “Statue of Liberty”
Well, I’m going to have to do this one in stages, but guess I can give you a little photo teaser of what everything I did on the first day (and dang near wore myself out doing!)
Continue reading “Nerdtour 2012: A Garden, A Meal, A Clock, Some Boats, and The “Statue of Liberty””
Continue reading “Nerdtour 2012: A Garden, A Meal, A Clock, Some Boats, and The “Statue of Liberty””