Blue Man Group and Taiko drums – great together!

So, I wandered around Youtube again, as is my wont, and found a really neat collaboration between two of my favorite things, Blue Man Group and Japanese taiko drummers. I think the group is called “Kodo”, but the caption says “Blue Man Group meets Wadaiko”, so I’m not sure. I do know the name of the song is one of BMG’s titles, “Mandelgroove”. This performance is full of awesome percussion, including the largest taiko drums I’ve seen (although there are probably even larger ones), plus it’s got the signature Blue Man Group humor as well as their excellent coordination and peculiar instruments. I would love to have seen this live, but even on a Youtube video it still has the energy and the power of the performance. BMG is an acquired taste for some, but no one can deny their creativity and their ability to make strange and quirky music (and the instruments to play it!). Of course people that know me and come to this site know I’m all about quirkiness!

So, for this video, if you have good bass speakers, crank them up, sit back and enjoy some good good drumming!