Nerdtour 2012 quickie: Yokohama Chinatown

Chinatowns in all big cities are pretty much alike, but the one in Yokohama is very colorful at night, just like most of urban Japan, and much more so than the DC Chinatown. Here’s a prime example:
street scene in Yokohama's Chinatown

Nerdtour 2012: It’s just a matter of perspective…

Once again, I’m going to try to limit my photos per post so that I might make more posts (and stave off scrolling boredom). It’s not gone well so far, I keep finding more pictures that I want to post all at once!
Continue reading “Nerdtour 2012: It’s just a matter of perspective…”

Nerdtour 2012: To see Mt. Fuji…

So, just as I have twice before, I went in search of Mount Fuji. And just as before, I managed to not see it, again!
Continue reading “Nerdtour 2012: To see Mt. Fuji…”

Flashback: Nerdtour 2007: Japan – The Tour Begins!

Continuing my 5-years-later write-up about my first trip to Japan, Nerdtour 2007!  (sorry, pictures don’t start till after some verbiage.  I didn’t take any pics the first day of the trip!) Continue reading “Flashback: Nerdtour 2007: Japan – The Tour Begins!”

New (old) pics posted soon!

I’m going to start posting more pictures etc. from my first trip to Japan, the famous NerdTour 2007, “real soon now.”  Here’s a teaser of what I’ll be posting, a taste of the taste of Japan, so to speak…

Continue reading “New (old) pics posted soon!”